Crown lantern
Crown lantern


comparison test of lantern lighting
Ritter lantern
Ritter lantern

Finally, the 1970's plastic lanterns are being replaced by a more authentic model. First in line for the change are the lanterns located on the main canals, followed hopefully by the rest. Trial placement of the Crown lantern has taken place at several locations.

old lantern

At the end of June 2003, two lamp posts on the Singel Canal were provided with new lanterns for an evening. The purpose was to compare the patterns of light. The two models, the Ritter and the Crown, had been fitted with special reflectors for directing the light downwards.

Ritter lantern

Crown lantern the Crown lantern, (for this trial crownless) packed partially in plastic as protection against possible rain.
the Ritter lantern,
factory fresh

plastic cover removal
the Crown lantern

 the Ritter lantern

 In the middle alderman
Guido Frankfurther
responsible for
Public Spaces

The dreary orange glow along the streets
and the canals (see photo right) shall
eventually be replaced by safer and
more effective street lighting.

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